Welcome to Adopting Your Perfect Dog 101
An ultimate step-by-step guide to adopting your perfect rescue dog. Including everything you need to know about the adoption process and bringing your new dog home.
I am super excited you are here! I understand the process of adopting a new rescue dog can feel overwhelming. You may have concerns about adopting a dog that has behavior issues and you may have kids or other pets in the house to worry about.
As mom of three kids and two dogs of my own, I totally get it.
Hi, for those of you that don’t know me yet, my name is Debi. And As the creator of Rescue Dogs 101, I guide people in their journey of adopting and raising a rescue dog every step of the way. I pride myself in being an advocate for rescue dogs, volunteering for our local dog rescue and humane society.
We are a foster home for dogs, I perform home visits as part of the application process and I am a senior canine care assistant at my local humane society. The more I learn, the more I can help dogs and people!
First things first, we need to agree there are no perfect dogs. No perfect humans for that matter. But there is a perfect dog for YOU and your family.
Choosing the right dog to be part of your family is crucial for a happy ending.
I’ve seen too many sad stories of dogs being returned because they had too much energy, or they didn’t get along with the other family dog, or worse case… the dog bit someone! And trust me, not one of those people adopted a dog with any intention on ever returning the dog.
Everyone in your family should be involved, your husband, wife, kids and other dogs. What type of dog is going to fit in with your entire family’s lifestyle?
Adopting a high-energy dog if you are a low-energy kind of person, you and the dog are going to be miserable.
Legally, I have to tell you, I cannot guarantee that you will adopt dog that is free of any behavior or health issues. But I can promise you that I’m going to help you step by step to ensure you have all the tools you need to find a dog that is your perfect match.
Think of this course as your pre-adoption counseling.
Let’s get started and you will be on your way to adopting the dog (or puppy) of your dreams.
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