You gave your rescue dog the gift of life, now help them thrive!
Unlock the secrets to a confident, happy dog
Ditch the overwhelm, the stress, and anxiety, and start enjoying life to the fullest with your dog.

We help you and your rescue dog live the best life
through love, healthy choices, and mindful training.
Where are you on your success path to a happy, healthy super dog?

Use the step-by-step charts below to gauge your milestones and plan your action steps. DO NOT RUSH — make sure to complete each step before moving on to the next.

Start your journey by adopting a dog that best fits your lifestyle.
Action Steps

The first month with your new dog is all about supporting them through the transition.
Action Steps

Create specific goals you want to reach with your dog to build a solid foundation.
Action Steps

Grow a strong bond together and help your anxious, scared, or reactive dog thrive.
Action Steps

Help your dog overcome their fears of noises, things, places, people or dogs.
Action Steps

Write your happily ever after story, with fun training skills and healthy life choices.
Action Steps
I'm Here to Help
Welcoming a rescue dog into your home is a rewarding experience, but when they struggle with anxiety and fears it can feel overwhelming. Many rescue dogs need specific training methods and a bit of extra patience...
Helping your dog overcome their challenges requires the right approach at the right moments. Going it alone and hoping for the best can lead to frustration and setbacks.
But following the lead of someone who has already done it and can show you the way makes a huge difference. I've been there with my own dogs and foster dogs... and I'd love to show you the way. I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Help Your Rescue Dog Adjust Quickly and Easily!

Rescuing a dog is rewarding but challenging. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, our survival kit is here to help.
What’s Inside:
- Adjusting to a New Home: What to Expect
- 3-3-3 Rule Explained
- 3-3-3 Guideline of Adopting a Rescue Dog
- New Dog Shopping Checklist
- Dog Proofing Your Home Checklist
- Bringing Your Adopted Dog Home Checklist
- Dog Training Tips
- Dog Body Language Cheat Sheet
Get the support you need and start your journey to a happier, more confident dog!
Just Adopted a Dog?
The Guide to Your Dog's First 3 Months
If you recently adopted your dog it's crucial to understand the 3-3-3 rule of adopting a dog. This guideline helps you know what to expect and navigate the different stages of your dog's adjustment period (sometimes referred to as the honeymoon phase).