If you love food and want to combine you love of your favorite food with your love with dogs, we’ve got you covered. Divided by food theme or category, I’m certain you are going to find the perfect food name for your new dog.
I noted a few names that would be adorable if you have two dogs, for example, Mike and Ike. Or Pumpkin and Spice. Have fun naming your dog, but make sure it fits their personality.

Want more dog name ideas? We have a full library of fun dog names grouped by theme, check out the list and let us know what you decide!
226 Food Names for Girl and Boy Dogs
Complete list of foods including fruits, vegetables, spices, sweets, proteins, starches, snacks, drinks, and more! If it’s a food and fits as a dog name, it’s listed here below. If we missed one, please comment below and we will add it!
- Acai
- Alfredo
- Ambrosia
- Angus
- Apple
- Apricot
- Arby
- Bacon
- Bagel
- Baguette
- Bailey
- Barley
- Bartlett
- Basil
- Beans
- Bell – Bell Pepper
- Benedict
- Berry
- Biscuit
- Bistro
- Blondie
- Bon Bon
- Bran
- Brandy
- Brie
- Bruschetta
- Burgoo
- Burrito
- Butternut
- Butterscotch
- Caesar
- Caffe
- Cannoli
- Capichino
- Capri
- Carrot
- Cashew
- Cayenne
- Cayenne
- Chai
- Cheerio
- Cheeto
- Cherry
- Chestnut
- Chickpea
- Chili
- Chip
- Chipotle
- Chiquita
- Chive
- Chow
- Cinnamon
- Clementine
- Clove
- Cobb
- Cobbler
- Coco
- Colby
- Couscous
- Cream Puff
- Creole
- Crumb
- Crumpet
- Cupcake
- Curry
- Dijon
- Dill
- Donut
- Dumpling
- Dunkin
- Fajita
- Feta
- Fig or Figgy
- Flan
- Flapjack
- Frank
- French Fry
- Frito
- Fritter
- Ginger
- Goji
- Gouda
- Goulash
- Graham
- Granola
- Grits
- Guava
- Gumbo
- Gyro
- Habanero
- Ham Bone
- Harissa
- Hazel
- Herb
- Hero
- Hoagie
- Honey
- Honeydew
- Huckleberry
- Hummus
- Ice
- Jack
- Jalapeno
- Jam
- Jameson
- Jasmine
- Java
- Jelly
- Kabob
- Kahlua
- Kale
- Kimchi
- Kiwi
- Kobe
- Kona
- Kumquat
- Lamb chop
- Latte
- Lemmon
- Lime
- Mac
- Mai Tai
- Mango
- Maple
- Marshmallow
- Mary Jane
- Mash
- Meatball
- Meatloaf
- Melba
- Melon
- Meringue
- Meunster
- Mocha
- Mochi
- Mole
- Mousse
- Muffin
- Mulberry
- Mulligan
- Munchkin
- Mushroom
- Nacho
- Napoleon
- Nilla
- Noodle
- Nori
- Nugget
- Nutella
- Nutmeg
- Oat
- Okra
- Olive
- Oreo
- Oscar
- Pancake
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Pear
- Pecan
- Penne
- Pepper
- Pesto
- Pickle
- Pie
- Pita
- Pixie
- Plum
- Pom – Pomegranate
- Popcorn
- Poppy
- Porter
- Postachio
- Pringle
- Pudding
- Pumpernickel
- Pumpkin (cute if you have two dogs, one Pumpkin, the other Spice)
- Queso
- Radish
- Raizy
- Ramen
- Reuben
- Ritz
- Roe
- Rollo
- Rosemary
- Rotini
- Ruffles
- Saffron
- Sage
- Scampi
- Shasta
- Shortcake
- Shrimp
- Soy
- Spam
- Spice
- Sprout
- Spud
- Sriracha
- Starbuck (cute if you had two dogs, one name Star, other name Buck)
- Strudel
- Sub
- Sugar
- Sushi
- Sweet pea
- Syrup
- T-Bone
- Taco
- Taffy
- Tater
- Thyme
- Tofu
- Truffle
- Tuna
- Turmeric
- Twinkie
- Twix
- Vanilla
- Waffle
- Wasabi
- Wendy
- Yam
- Ziti
- Zucchini

138 Candy names for dogs
If you have a favorite candy see if you can twist it to make a catchy name. Look at the ingredients, maybe something in there will work as a name. Here is our complete list of female and male names for your sweet new dog.
- Abba-Zabba
- Al – Almond Joy
- Andes
- Baby – Baby Ruth
- Bazooka
- Bean
- Bear – gummy bears
- Big Hunk
- Brach
- Bubba
- Bubble
- Butterfinger
- Caesar
- Cadbury
- Candy
- Caramel
- Caramello
- Carmel
- Carmela
- Charleston
- Charlie – Charleston Chew
- Charm
- Chedder
- Cheeto
- Chip
- Cherry
- Chewy
- Chuckles
- Churro
- Clark
- Coco
- Coffee
- Cow – Cow tails
- Crème
- Crispie
- Daddy – Sugar Daddy
- Dot
- Dove
- Dulce
- Dum Dum
- Fluffy
- Godiva
- Goober
- Grand – 100 Grand
- Gumdrop
- Gummy
- Gusher
- Heath
- Henry – O’Henry Bar
- Hershey
- Hi-Chew
- Honey
- Hot Tamale
- Hubba Bubba
- Ike – If you have two dogs, name one Mike, the other Ike
- Jack – Cracker Jacks or Blackjack gum
- Jellybean
- Jelly Belly
- Jolly
- Joy – Almond Joy
- Jujubee
- Jujyfruits
- Junior – Junior Mints
- Kit Kat
- Laffy
- Licorice
- Lindt
- Lolly
- M&M
- Mamba
- Mar – Marathon Bar
- Mars
- Marsh – Marshmallow
- Mary – Mary Jane candy
- Mike – If you have two dogs, name one Mike, the other Ike
- Milky Way
- Mint
- Mocha
- Mr. Goodbar
- Musketeer
- Necco
- Neo – Neapolitan
- Nerd
- Nestle
- Nougat
- Oreo
- Patch – Sour patch kids
- Patty
- Payday
- Peanut
- Peep
- Peppermint Patty
- Pez
- Pixy – Pixy Stix
- Plenty
- Pocky
- Pop – pop rocks
- Praline
- Pretzel
- Raisinet
- Razzle
- Red – Red Hots
- Reese
- Regal
- Reggie
- Riesen
- Rio
- Ritter
- Rocky
- Rolo
- Ruth – Baby Ruth
- Skittles
- Skor
- Smartie
- Snap
- Snickers
- Sprinkles
- Star – Starburst
- Sugar
- Sweet tart
- Sweetie
- Taffy
- Tic-Tac – Two dogs? Name one Tic, the other Tac
- Toblerone
- Toffee
- Tootsie
- Topping
- Truffle
- Turtle
- Twix
- Twizzler
- Whip
- Whopper
- Willy – Willy Wonka
- Wrigley
- York
- Zagnut
Want more dog name ideas? We have a full library of fun dog names grouped by theme, check out the list and let us know what you decide!

112 Sweet Dessert dog names
Dessert before dinner? Why not? LOL! Cake, brownies, cookies… If you have a sweet tooth this is the list for you…
- Almond
- Ambrosia
- Angel – angel food cake
- Apple
- Baker
- Beignet
- Berry
- Betty – Betty Crocker
- Biscotti
- Biscuit
- Blueberry
- Brandy
- Brownie
- Brulee
- Butterscotch
- Cake
- Candy
- Cannoli
- Cashew
- Cherry
- Chiffon
- Chip
- Churro
- Chutney
- Cinnamon
- Cobbler
- Cocoa
- Cookie
- Cranberry
- Cupcake
- Dessie – Dessert
- Donut
- Dumpling
- Duncan – Duncan Hines
- Eclair
- Espresso
- Figgy
- Flapjack
- Fluff
- Fritter
- Fudge
- Ganache
- Gelato
- Ginger
- Graham
- Granola
- Hazelnut
- Hershey
- Honey
- Huckleberry
- Ice – Ice cream
- Jams
- Jello
- Jiffy
- Lemon
- Little Debbie
- Malts
- Maple
- Marmalade
- Marshmallow
- Marz – Marzipan
- Meri – Meringue
- Mint
- Mocha
- Mochi
- Molasses
- Morsels
- Mousse
- Muffin
- Nougat
- Nugget
- Nutella
- Nutmeg
- Oatmeal
- Oreo
- Pancake
- Parfait
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Pecan
- Pie
- Pillsbury
- Pistachio
- Praline
- Pudding
- Puff
- Pumpkin
- Raisin
- Red Velvet
- Scone
- Scotch
- Smores
- Snickerdoodle
- Snickers
- Sno-bal
- Sorbet
- Souffle
- Sprinkles
- Strawberry
- Strudel
- Sugar
- Sundae
- Tapioca
- Tart
- Toast
- Toffee
- Truffle
- Twinkie
- Vanilla
- Waffles
- Wally – Walnut
- Zest
Want more dog name ideas? We have a full library of fun dog names grouped by theme, check out the list and let us know what you decide!

50 Fun Cookie names for dogs
I just want to warn you, some people call dog treats “cookies”. So if you plan on going with the basic name, Cookie, your dog may become confused during training classes.
- Almond
- Amaretti
- Amos
- Annie
- Benne
- Biscotti
- Biscuit
- Buckeye
- Butterscotch
- Chewy
- Chip
- Chips Ahoy
- Coco
- Cookie
- Fields
- Fudge
- Gingersnap
- Graham
- Grandma
- Hazelnut
- Jaffa
- Kashi
- Keebler
- Ladyfinger
- Little Debbie
- Lorna Doone
- M&M
- Macaroon
- Milano
- Molasses
- Monster
- Nabisco
- Newton
- Nilla
- Nutella
- Nutterbutter
- Oatmeal
- Oreo
- Pepperidge
- Pizzelle
- Praline
- Pumpkin
- Sandy
- Scout
- Snickerdoodle
- Sugar
- Tart
- Wafer
- Walker
- Whoopie