Published: August 8, 2024  

Last updated: August 8, 2024  

National Spoil Your Dog Day is an annual holiday event on August 10th.

I wonder who comes up with these “holidays” … do we need a special day to spoil our dogs? Should our dogs be spoiled? The term “spoiled brat” comes to mind.

But who am I to judge, my dogs are spoiled! So yes, I will be spoiling my dogs on August 10th, and many other days throughout the year.

National Spoil Your Dog Day with 3 images of happy dogs.

What is National Spoil Your Dog Day?

This is a day to spoil your dog, give them what they enjoy, what they want… that may be an extra bone or treats. Maybe a special trip to the park. How you spoil your dog depends on what your dog enjoys.

Ideas to Celebrate National Spoil Your Dog Day

Find what lights up your dog… what excites them? What is their love language? Do they love food, playing, taking walks?

Here are some ideas to get you started:

For the dogs that love food:

  • Give them a raw meaty bone
  • Add meal toppers, such as fresh veggies or bone broth
  • Make homemade dog treats
  • Play find-the-treat game

For the dogs that love to play:

  • Take them to the pet store and let them pick out a new dog toy
  • Spend extra time playing their favorite game

For the dogs that exercise:

  • Take an extra-long walk on a new path
  • Go for a hike or run
  • Go for a walk with a friend
  • Take them to the lake for a swim
A small dog lounging on a couch with a pink bathrobe on and sunglasses.

Do you have a spoiled brat?

It’s easy to want to spoil our rescue dogs, especially when we know what they’ve been through before coming to us.

But it’s also easy to go overboard, which can lead to some not-so-great habits. If your dog is overly protective, and anxious when left alone, whines or nudges you when they want something… these are all signs that your dog is a little too spoiled.

If your pup knows the rules and behaves well, a few quirks are no big deal. As long as they are happy, and healthy and respect your boundaries then everyone is happy.

If you are struggling with behavior issues, then I recommend finding a great dog training program, like SpiritDog Training.

A golden retriever dog laying upside down in the grass with a red ball in its mouth.

How will you Celebrate National Spoil Your Dog Day?

Whether you spoil your dog every day or just on holidays, enjoy every single day with them. Their lives are too short to not cherish these moments.

If your dog is too spoiled, then spoil them even more with a training program. I highly recommend SpiritDog Training, but if you can find a local class, that’s great too.

With my four dogs, they will be spoiled each in their own way. I see a few raw bones and extra playtime in our future.

Share in the comments below how you spoil your pup.

About the Author

Debi McKee

Debi McKee is the expert behind Rescue Dogs 101 where she guides you in your journey of adopting and raising a rescue dog every step of the way. She is a mom of 3 human kids and 4 dogs and volunteers for a local dog rescue and Humane Society. Click here for more about Debi and her passion for helping you and your dog.

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