Published: March 11, 2019  

Last updated: October 17, 2024  

Author: Debi McKee

I want to start out by saying, I will never judge anyone for having to rehome a dog. If you are here because you are wondering if you should rehome your dog, please feel comfortable knowing you are in the right place.

Sh** happens. Life changes, people get new jobs, get sick, pass away, dogs develop health or behavior issues. When adopting a rescue dog there are never guarantees. Heck, life is never a guarantee!

Rehoming a scared rescue dog

This site has loads of helpful information that could help you through some health and behavior issues. If there is anything I can do to help you through this hard time, please feel free to contact me. 

Rehoming a Dog Guilt

If you are unsure if rehoming your dog is the right choice, you may be feeling guilty that you cannot take care of her anymore. Or that you made a bad decision on adopting him in the first place. I can’t take away that guilt, but you can help yourself and the dog by doing some research before giving your dog away.

As hard as it may be to understand from the perspective of an outsider, sometimes a situation arises when you need to rehome your dog. As a volunteer for a local rescue, I see owner surrendered dogs all of the time.

Foster Dog Silla Senior Black Lab
Our Foster Dog Silla was a Owner Surrender Story

In fact, our very first foster dog was a 10-year-old black lab, Silla, that was surrendered by her family. I admit I was confused as to why anyone would let such a sweet lab go. I didn’t know the family, but I do know they didn’t make the choice to rehome their dog lightly.

From what I do know, they lived on a farm and adopted two new herding breed dogs. The two new dogs did not get along with Silla and fights broke out. They felt that giving Silla a quiet home to retire in was in her best interest. Again, I am not here to judge. Did they feel guilty? I’m not sure, but I can only imagine how difficult that decision was for them.

Rehoming a Dog Tips

So, let’s start by ensuring you are making the right decision to rehome your dog. Why have you decided you need to give your dog away? 

Rehoming a Dog Because of Life Circumstances:

  1. I have become too sick to take care of my dog.
    If your situation is temporary, can you find a friend or family member to help by taking your dog in for a few months until you get back on your feet?
  2. I can no longer afford my dog because of job loss.
    Same as above, see if someone will help you and your dog out until you find a new job.
  3. I am moving to an apartment that does not allow dogs.
    Find an apartment that does allow dogs. I’m sorry but this is one that you do have control over. I know sometimes it can be hard, but there are plenty of landlords that do allow dogs.
  4. We just realized my child is allergic to dogs.
    Are you certain it is the dog your kids are allergic too? Have you tried bathing your dog? Brushing him more often? Keeping the dog out of the areas your child sleeps and plays?
  5. We just had a new baby and no longer have time for a dog.
    A baby may keep you busy, but it has been proven that kids who grow up with a dog are healthier. Children that grow up with a dog learn responsibility and compassion for animals. You will make time for both baby and dog. Many activities you can do with your dog and child… go for walks or play ball in the backyard together.
  6. I cannot afford my dogs health care, because of an illness or injury.
    Talk to your vet about payment options or look into Care Credit. I understand the thought of spending hundreds or thousands on your dog is daunting… trust me I do, I’ve been there. And sometimes we have to make tough decisions, but there are options out there, you just need to find them.
  7. I got a new job and no longer have time for a dog.
    Consider doggy-daycare or a dog walker. You did make a commitment to your dog when you first adopted him. Do your best to make it work.

Rehoming a Dog Because of Behavior Issues:

  1. My dog has bitten a child.
    I understand it is really scary if your rescue dog has bitten your child. This should never be taken lightly. But please look at the situation with a clear mind. Read Why Do Family Dogs Bite and make your decision from there.
  2. My dog has bitten another dog.
    If you adopted a new dog and he isn’t getting along with your other dog, then take a few steps back and start over. Read The Best Way to Introduce a Second Dog and see if you can fix the relationship.
  3. My dog has severe separation anxiety and has destroyed our house.
    What have you tried to help your dog with his anxiety? Please read Solutions for Separation Anxiety to see if there are steps you can take before giving up on him.
  4. I just adopted this dog and he isn’t what I expected.
    How long have you had the dog? Have you given her enough time to adjust? Did you know that it could take up to 3 months for a rescue dog to feel completely comfortable in her new home? If you are certain you adopted the wrong dog, talk the rescue or shelter you got the dog from. Many times, they will take the dog back if it just isn’t a good fit.

An important note about rehoming a dog that has bitten a child or dog. Please disclose this information before giving your dog away. No matter how desperate you are, do not allow another child to be bitten. Do you really want another family to go through what you have?

rehoming dog pitbull dog

Where Can I Give My Dog Away

If you are certain rehoming your dog is the right decision, where and how should you give your dog away?

No matter which option you choose, it’s important to be honest about all your dog’s issues and health concerns. Finding someone that is prepared to take care of all of your dog’s quirks, big or small, is important… or else he will just end up being returned to you or worse, euthanized.

Option 1: Contact the Rescue You Originally Adopted Your Dog From

If you adopted your dog from a shelter or rescue, start by asking them about taking the dog back. The rescue I volunteer for actually requires their adopters to surrender the dog back to them if needed at any time.

Some rescues will even post your dog on their website and let you keep him until you find a good home.

Option 2: Turn to Friends and Family for Help

I recommend you start by asking friends and family, even co-workers if they would be willing to take in your dog. This way you know the dog will be well taken care of.

Option 3: Post on Social Media

Posting a photo and your dog’s story on Facebook could be a great way to get the word out he needs a new home. I understand you may be afraid of being judged by your peers, but you’d be surprised how fast you could rehome a dog using social media.

Option 4: Ask Your Veterinarian

Your vet may have adoption resources you could turn to, or maybe even know someone looking to adopt a new dog. 

Option 5: Rehoming a Dog on Adopt-a-Pet Website

Adopt-a-Pet is a well-known online adoption website, and they have a rehoming listing service too! Adopt a pet makes it easy to list by simply filling out the form online and uploading pictures. Rehome at Adopt-a-Pet also has a ton of resources for you to try and keep your dog

Dog Chuck it Ball
We adopted Bear from a Craigslist Ad

Option 6: Rehoming a Dog on Craigslist

I love Craigslist, I use it to buy and sell everything from toys to furniture. But when it comes to dogs, it can be sketchy. Some very bad people lurk on the social selling site.

Let’s face it, we’ve all heard the horror stories of people getting scammed out of their houses, kidnapped or shot over a computer. And dogs being bought for reasons I’d rather not think of… bad reasons… for fighting and bait dogs.

There are also stories of puppy mills posting on Craigslist, so again, please do your research before buying or selling on this platform.

Now that I scared you, I have to admit something… we adopted our yellow lab Bear from Craigslist. Yup, that’s right we adopted an 18-month-old pure breed English Yellow Lab on Craigslist! We got lucky, the family rehoming him got lucky.

Bear grew much larger than the family thought he would… at a whopping 97 lbs, he was too big to live in a small trailer home with no yard. Plus, Bears’ previous owner was aging, had bad knees and couldn’t walk him. He was bursting at the seams with built up energy and was not a happy dog.

She realized this and came to the difficult conclusion that they needed to rehome Bear. She cried as we packed Bear’s belongings into our car, so I knew she cared very much for him and I am sure she felt guilty for letting him go.

A happy ending can happen, but you need to do your homework. Ask a lot of questions and meet the family before agreeing they can adopt your dog. Ask for a rehoming fee to ensure the new family is serious. 

Option 7: Contact Your Local Humane Society or Shelter

I’d say this should be your last resort. Dogs become very stressed when dropped off at a shelter. A shelter can be a scary place for any animal. And you have no idea how long he could end up staying there.

Call ahead and find out the shelters process of surrendering a dog. DO NOT just drop a dog off at the back door! Please no matter how desperate you are, this is not the right way to handle rehoming a dog.

The more information the shelter has about your dog before rehoming, the less stress for the dog, and the better chance he has for being readopted.

Please make sure you find a no-kill shelter. Unless your dog is truly aggressive, and you’ve tried everything… does he really deserve to be euthanized?

Over to you… please share your story in the comments below. I created the Rescue Dogs 101 community so we can support each other in times of need. It could help someone else in the same situation. You may be feeling alone right now, having to rehome your dog is not an easy decision, but please take comfort in knowing you are not alone! I am here for you.

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About the Author

Debi McKee

Debi McKee is the expert behind Rescue Dogs 101 where she guides you in your journey of adopting and raising a rescue dog every step of the way. She is a mom of 3 human kids and 4 dogs and volunteers for a local dog rescue and Humane Society. Click here for more about Debi and her passion for helping you and your dog.

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  1. A month ago we adopted an 8 week mixed puppy from a rescue We are struggling to handle a puppy and are considering returning him. I’m heartbroken to even make this decision but have been crying since we got him. The stress of a puppy is more than we anticipated. I just don’t know how to deal with how awful I’ll feel if we give him back. They foster their dogs until they’re adopted so he wouldnt be in a shelter.

    1. Hi Cathy, I am so sorry you are struggling with the puppy. A few thoughts… first, you need to do what is best for your mental health. If you truly believe you made the wrong decision in adopting him, then bring him back and they will find him a more suitable home. Dogs pick up on our energy, so if you are not happy, neither will the dog. With that said, I know firsthand that puppyhood is hard! It’s like having a newborn baby. They demand a lot of your attention. If you feel a connection to the puppy, but just feel overwhelmed, it could take time to get into a routine. In the end, do what is best for you. Don’t feel guilty, if it’s not a good fit, it’s not. Next time look at adopting an older dog 🙂

  2. Hello, I have a 6 month old lab that I’m strongly considering rehoming. I have another dog of another breed and I’ve realized that the lab breed is simply not for me. His energy levels are too much for me. My partner didn’t want another dog the same as what I have (that’s what I wanted to get instead of the lab) so I settled with him. That sounds terrible. But I have no bond with this dog and all I see is a dog that’s holding me back from a dog I actually wanted. What can I do? Is it bad to rehome him then get the dog I wanted in the first place?

  3. Hi I am really struggling with the decision of rehoming my dog

    I am a mum of two, daughter is 14, son is 3

    my 4 year old zuchon (bichon/shih-tzu cross) is the sweetest boy but he has fear based aggression around us children.

    he has always been fine with my son but I believe at the moment that is because he still gets all his leftovers

    he has badly bitten my daughter recently, as far aas we can tell it was unprovoked or at least we can't say that anything particular happened to cause him to react.

    since then he has gone for her 3-4 more times including barking at her and chasing her up the stairs.

    I have had him regularly checked by a vet and there are no physical health issues.

    he has bitten 3 other children all in circumstances where the children were unpredictable and the dog was frightened.

    the frequency of his behavior has increased.

    I have crate trained him, tried behavioral support and even anxiety medication but it seems to have gotten worse since the medication.

    I have had him since he was 10 weeks old and as far as we know nothing has happened to him as in maltreatment etc.

    I have the option to rehome him somewhere that rehabilitates dogs and takes finding them a new home seriously. if she can't rehome home she has said she will keep him

    my heart is literally breaking as I love him so much, he is the sweetest boy and our bond is really strong. but I can't take the risk with my children or others.

    I'm worried that rehoming him will cause him so much stress and he won't cope. the vet offered to euthanize him but I feel with the opportunity he's got for a second chance it would be unfair.

    am I doing the right thing?
    will the dog be ok?

    the grief is real and painful

    1. You are 100% doing the right thing. It sounds like you found the perfect person to help rehabilitate him. Your priority needs to be to keep your children safe. So sorry you are experiencing such heartbreak. But take comfort in knowing that you are doing what is best for the dog and your family.

  4. Hi,

    I could really use some words of encouragement or just know I am doing the right thing as I am having to make the very difficult decision of possibly needing to rehome our 6 month old lab. He is the sweetest dog and only real issue is typical puppy behavior from time to time. The problem is me. I suffer from pretty severe OCD and anxiety and since we brought him home I have not been the same. I cry nearly everyday. I just cannot cope with the hair, the mess, the attention he needs. I feel so irritable and overwhelmed. I thought it would get better, I tried everything. Doggy day camp, training, even did a two week board and train in a trainers home to get a break. But as soon as he is back, the panic and now even feelings of depression, immediately set back in. I just want what is best for the dog. He deserves a calm home and we have found the perfect one for him with other pups and land to run free and be as dirty as he pleases. The toughest part of this is explaining to our kids that this is what is best. My heart is tearing in two though and I haven’t been able to even eat. I wish I could go back in time and not have caused everyone in my home this heartache. I should also mention my allergies have been terrible. I had dogs in the past and seemed to manage ok but something has changed because I can barely pet him without my eyes and skin itching like crazy. So I avoid him a lot when he comes close to me which makes me sad for him. Thanks for any replies/comments.

    1. Your health is priority #1. Your anxiety will not only be detrimental to you but also to your family and the dog. I personally agree you are doing the right thing by rehoming him to give him the best life possible. Good luck.

  5. I had to give up our two rat terriers that we've had for 12 years today because we have become homeless.


    Went thru this almost 5 years ago when i lost my daughter and now I'm having to give up my beloved best friend Bandit. It's already more than I can handle to give him to a rescue… but it's the best thing for him. They will find him a good home and I won't have to worry if he is ok or if he's being put down. Just knowing this rescue organization will keep him and let him live out the rest of his days happy and healthy, hopefully with an older couple who have time to be with him, makes it easier to do. However, it's still the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I've prayed and ask for guidance and this is what I heard. Since I don't have stable housing right now, it's the right thing for him… but God, it makes me so sad and I've cried so much. please pray for me to get thru this…I thought he would be with me forever, and life is just not going to be the same without him…

    WILL HE BE OK? will he get very depressed because I've given him up? well he be able to move on? is he going to think I abandoned him?

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this troubled chapter Keli. I will pray for you and Bandit. I believe dogs are very resilient and he will be okay. You did what you had to do to keep him safe and I’m sure he knows that. God Bless.

  6. Hi! Thank you for this article. I believe it did help me a little.

    Right now, I am in a really tough situation. About a month ago I received a Rottweiler and German Shepherd mix puppy as a gift from one of my coworkers that I work with. Her name is Sage. I fell in love with her as soon as she was given to me, but ever since then, I have felt horrible because, at this point in time, I have no place for her to live due to me living in a rental with my family where they do not allow pets of any kind. Not only that but I am not really financially stable to take care of a puppy. And my family members don’t want to have a pet at their house and if they could they are in the same situation as I am with the living situation. fortunately, one of my friends has let Sage live with her and her brother for the time being until I can afford to find a place for both of us to live. The good thing in this situation is that they have two dogs of their own, so she has playmates!

    But I just found out today that my friend’s brother who is letting Sage live with them since it’s his house is getting another dog and having Sage there will be difficult since she is going to get pretty big when she grows up and they don’t know how she is going to behave around the new dog as well as other issues that they have.

    I am really struggling right now because I am a 20-year-old female who is in college, working a seasonal job, and dealing with mental health at the same time. And adding a 12-week-old puppy is adding more to the situation that I am in. Throughout all of this, I have been trying to make sure that I have time for her and training her as best as I can. But with me being a first-time dog owner my current situation is becoming really difficult. I really love Sage with all my heart. she is starting to play with me more, giving me snuggles and helping with keeping a smile on my face. I am trying to find another place where I can let her live for the time being, but it feels like I am running out of options. I am still going to ask my coworker who gave me Sage if she can live with them for the time being, but I don’t know if that will work.

    I know some people will say that I shouldn’t have accepted my coworker gifting me Sage, but I was put in a really tough spot where if I didn’t accept her the breeder who is my boss who gave the idea to the coworker to gift Sage to me said that if she didn’t find a home soon, he would euthanize her. Not only that but I didn’t want to have any bad blood with my coworker and boss. But the sucky part is that both of them knew of my current situation, but they still went with it. I am not blaming Sage for this because it is not her fault by any means. Both I and Sage were and are put in a very difficult position.

    Where I live, we do have a no-kill animal shelter where they do rehome the dogs and if all else fails, I’ll have to do that because at this point that is the only choice that I have. It feels like my heart is being ripped out and I feel like a complete failure. I don’t want to give her up and I really want to make this work. I know physically no one in the comments could help me at this time. I guess I just needed to let it out and see if someone who is in a similar situation could just be there for me. Again, I am trying really hard to keep her and make her happy, but I feel like I am failing at everything that I am doing in order to make this work.

    1. It sounds like the your “friend” and boss manipulated you in taking this dog so they didn’t have to deal with it. They put you in a terrible situation. Puppies and dogs need a stable home, I would wholeheartedly support your decision to give her up.

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